
Firm: Power Sourcing China
Legal Form: -
German Einzelunternehmen (individual enterprise, sole proprietorship)
Hygin-Kiene-Strasse 2 , 83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland
Managing Director:
Manfred Kollmer
Company page:
Value Added Tax Identification Number: on request
Place of Jurisdiction : Miesbach

With its decision of May 12, 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg stated that by linking to outside pages, one can be held responsible for the content of those pages. According to the Regional Court, this can only be hindered by explicitly distancing oneself from this content. We have placed links to outside sites on our website. For all of these links, the following statement is valid: We would like to explicitly state that we have no influence on the design or content of the respective linked pages. We thus explicitly distance ourselves herewith to all contents of the linked pages and state that their contents are not our own. This disclaimer is valid for all of the links provided from our websites and for the contents of all pages referred to from the banners.
                                                                                                                              Webmaster: info(at)

